
The Animuso Animation Network is a showcase of acclaimed but under-appreciated animated short films that have not been seen and enjoyed enough.

Artists don’t create animated works of art never to be seen by the public.

Our platform is an easily accessible destination to experience these great works.

Our streaming channel is delivered linearly so our users can focus on enjoying the content instead of clicking and searching.

Our content is curated and scheduled in ways that will inform and complement the variety of techniques and stories.

Or channel is ad-supported to ensure a free-of-charge and subscription-free viewing experience.

Why should I watch?

Unfilled Market Need

Suppose you love anime, kids' shows, and classic cartoons; you will have many places to visit. Many short animated features may not lend themselves to serial mass production. Traditional network TV needs many hours of content for 24-hour production schedules.

Independent artists and studios place the love for the medium above profits to deliver excellence. This channel celebrates their accomplishments. No other channel focuses on award-winning short-form animation.

About Us

Professionel Experience

We are a team of broadcast professionals with over 40 combined years of experience in:

  • Broadcast television Engineering
  • Broadcast Content Creation
  • Broadcast Planning and Scheduling
  • Digital Media Conversion, Packaging and Delivery


Frequntly Asked Questions

When will you launch?

We will launch our channel in July 2022

Where can I find the channel?

Animuso Animation Channel will be available on FAST (Free Ad-Supported TV) channels, web, and OTT platforms.

Can I get my animations on your network?

Yes! We will consider your submission. Drop us a line in our contact form, and our content acquisition team will contact you quickly.

Will the content creators get paid?

Yes! We will work with content creators and studios to get proper permission and compensation.


Let us get in touch!

Animuso! Animation Network